Tuesday, January 29, 2013

HERO Program Funds Riverside County Solar Installation

HERO Program Funds Riverside County Solar Installation

There's no better way to finance a Riverside County solar installation than the HERO Program. This county-exclusive financing lets homeowners asses their new solar installation against the value of thieir property, and offers the chance to make low fixed payments every year with their property taxes.
City council member Jeff Stone's solar installation was financed through the WRCOG HERO Program. Currently, the program has funded well over 50M worth of solar upgrades for Riverside county residents.

The Easiest Way to Go Solar in Riverside County - the HERO Program

For more information please visit  DEC Solar - HERO Program @ www.DECSolar.com or give us a call @ 855 DEC-Solar

+Todd Rubick +Jessica Large, what do you and your friends think about our post. Any suggestions?

We are doing our best to find followers and spread the word about this program and news about solar and saving energy. 

Electricity Get's Even More Expensive for Homes Without Solar

Is electricity about to get more expensive for homes without solar?

According to California utility companies, and recent bloomberg.com article, roughly 1.3 billion in extra utility company expenses will be passed on to customers.
So in short, yes, and a solar installation may be the only thing that can grant you immunity.

Why is Electricity Getting More 


expensive electricity for homes without solar
1.3 Billion sound like a sizeable chunk of change…how exactly did utility companies incur this cost?
First of all, we know that renewable energy advocates and utility companies don’t quite embrace the same principles. California, being the leading solar state and hub of much renewable energy activity, has guidelines and laws in place that incentivize solar and prevent price-gouging by utility companies.
Power companies in California are required to buy back electricity from home solar generators at the same price rate they sell it. During the days as solar meters spin backwards, the utility company is theoretically “working for free” as power gets passed aloong the grid at a %0 mark-up.
As more solar arrays go up, less money flows into the traditional utility economy and more goes into the renewable energy economy, investors are more prone to look toward renewables, and so on. The stance of the utility company is that we can’t have a power infrastructure that no one is paying for, and they’re not going to foot the bill.

There’s No Such Thing As a Free 


no free electricity for homes without solar

Or is there?
Well, probably not – but it’s becoming more apparent that powering your home with solar is about the closest you’ll ever get.
With all the unique financing options available, the incentives, rebates, etc., it’s easy to put yourself in a situation where you’re no longer paying a varying monthly rate – you’re paying a fixed amount that’s lower than your average utility cost.
Either way, there is definately no free power in the eyes of the utility company, and that 1.3 billion worth of uncompensated operating costs will be nudged onto the lap of the consumer – intensifying the benefit of solar even further.