Tuesday, January 29, 2013

HERO Program Funds Riverside County Solar Installation

HERO Program Funds Riverside County Solar Installation

There's no better way to finance a Riverside County solar installation than the HERO Program. This county-exclusive financing lets homeowners asses their new solar installation against the value of thieir property, and offers the chance to make low fixed payments every year with their property taxes.
City council member Jeff Stone's solar installation was financed through the WRCOG HERO Program. Currently, the program has funded well over 50M worth of solar upgrades for Riverside county residents.

The Easiest Way to Go Solar in Riverside County - the HERO Program

For more information please visit  DEC Solar - HERO Program @ www.DECSolar.com or give us a call @ 855 DEC-Solar

+Todd Rubick +Jessica Large, what do you and your friends think about our post. Any suggestions?

We are doing our best to find followers and spread the word about this program and news about solar and saving energy. 

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